Oct 25, 2007

Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation

"The voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from hand-held mobile phones... [is] the largest human biological experiment ever." - Professor Leif Salford, Head of Research at Lund University, Sweden.

Exposure to radiation from cell phones is a growing concern, not only in the United States, but around the world. As more and more studies point towards a link between cell phone radiation and headaches, certain types of cancer and even lowered sperm count, consumers are searching for ways to protect themselves from this potential threat.

Is Cell Phone Radiation Really Harmful?

The problem is that no definitive studies are available, one way or the other. With some scientists still arguing that cell phone radiation isn't dangerous at all, how is a consumer to know who to trust? Recently, several companies have created cell phone radiation blockers to ease the concerns of some cell phone users. Those who choose to do so can simply use this accessory to block up to 99% of cell phone radiation.

All cell phones and cell phone towers emit Radio Frequency (RF) energy, a type of electromagnetic energy. This RF energy differs from the type of electromagnetic energy found in gamma rays and x-rays and has been thought of until recently to be completely harmless. X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation, meaning that they damage human cells by stripping electrons away from their normal locations.

Since RF energy is non-ionizing, scientists believed that it would not have this same effect on human cells. However, tests on animals show that the heat created by cell phone radiation can indeed damage cells by overheating them. The extent of the damage is impossible to know or understand until further testing is done, but this type of testing on humans is a moral and ethical no-no.

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